The woman saved the drowning young man without caring for her baby| Fearless Females|

Fearless-Female-Raveena of Madhya Pradesh.

The story of the bravery of Raveena of Madhya Pradesh!

A 32-year-old lady Ravina living in Nazirabad village, about 80 kilometers from Madhya Pradesh's capital Bhopal, has set an example of bravery, had saved a farmer from drowning. A mother of an 8-month-old baby, she did not worry about her baby while jumping into the water for the drowning guys.

Raveena Jumped into the water to save the drowning farmers.

When Ravina saw two farmers drowning in the rushing stream of the Canal, she put her 8-month-old baby aside, jumped into the stream, and saved one of the farmers, while another farmer drowned in the current, whose body was found the next day.

The Misadventure of the Farmers.

The water level suddenly rose due to heavy rains in a canal near Nazirabad. Meanwhile, two farmers named Raju and Jitendra, who had gone to spray medicine in their field, remained standing near the Canal while their bike was parked on either side. After the rain, the water level increased drastically, yet both farmers tried to cross the Canal. The people standing on the bank of the Canal tried hard to stop them, but they did not mind it, and when they reached the middle of the Canal started drowning. There are slums of Kanjars right next to the Canal, where Raveena, when she saw the two guys drowning, without fear for her own life, put her 8-month-old baby down and jumped into the raging current of the Canal.

One farmer saved, another drowned.

Raveena saved the life of a man named Jitendra, but Raju drowned in the current. Raju's body was found towards the front of the Canal the next day when the water level receded. When the police got information about the woman's bravery, 

Raveena told the story of the mishap:

"I went to fill water at the tap on Thursday with my 8-month-old child in my lap when I saw a young man drowning in a nearby drain. They saw me and shouted, 'help!.' I didn't understand anything, immediately took the son off my lap, laid him on the ground, and jumped into the water. I felt like floating. Within a minute and a half, I pulled a young man out of the deep water. The other youth was taken down again to save him, but he was missing. Both the farmer knew to swim but a little, but they had little experience floating in rising water."
Nazirabad TI BP Singh honored Raveena with a cash reward of Rs 1,000, appreciating her bravery.


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