A 101-year-old former pro dancer still dances every single day to stay young.


Lady Dinkie Flowers: A 102-year-old formerpro dancer still dancing.

Born on the 7th of May 1921, Dinkie Flower still shakes the dance floor with her energetic dancing. Recently in May 2023, she crossed the 102nd year of her life. She wants to carry on her passion to the last breath.


Since when she was just three years old in 1924,

she used to dance. Now She is a mother of a son and grandmother of three children, but her passion for dancing is still on. In her long life span, she had traveled to the destinations of the world to display her dancing mastery in Belle. She performed the Dance show in front of the Shaikh in Baghdad. And in 1952, she made the show at the event of Ice Gala in Paris against Prince Phillip.

Amazing longer life span and dancing carrier of Dinkie Flower.

Dinkie learned dancing and skating skills

at London’s Italia Conti Academy Theatre Of Arts and traveled the world for her programs. She was the only British acrobatic skater once.However, in 1940 in Paris, she was arrested for wearing a red dress in the show because prostitutes used to wear red dresses during that period.

Sometime back,

Dinkie auditioned to be a part of The Greatest Dancer show and made her TV debut with her tap dance skills, and that was at the age of 98(!).

Dinkie Flower((now 102 yo)  and  her late husband George(Died: 2005).

During her dancing career,

Dinkie met her Geoege, her future husband, and married him. However, her husband passed away in 2005. They had a daughter named Sara. She also was a professional dancer like her mother. Dinkie has four grandchildren.

During the epidemic of Corona,

Mrs. Flower donated as much as possible to the suffering people. She runs fitness classes, and hosts dance and fit lessons at her dance school named Dinkie Flowers Stage School(DFSS) in Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex.The income of which goes to the donation for the National Health Service.

People love Dinkie Flower, an amazing belle dancer, and acrobatic skater at the age of 102 years, for her welfare activities!

What Dinkie Flower said?

"I won’t stop until they carry me away in a box"

"It sounds hard, but it’s never too late to start. Once you know what you’re doing and being taught by a teacher you’d love it. You don’t have to go mad, but it’s good to keep on moving your body, bending your knees and stuff like that."
"Dance is my life, and helping people dance is my life.
"I couldn't live without dancing and I think it's kept me young and happy. I see people just sitting down and studying all day, but it's important to get up and keep moving - I need to do that."

Concerned Link:

YEP (Yorkshire Evening Post): ‘I won’t stop until they carry me away in a box’ - One of UK’s oldest women, 101, reveals secret to long life.

Concerned video:

Meet Dinkie Flowers. She is a ballerina and she is 102 years old. She has done very well in the world of dancing. Her accomplishments are inspiring. You might be curious about how she has so much energy at her age. We will talk about what she eats and what she doesn’t eat that helps her dance so well.


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