6 Women Social Welfare Reformers Of Gujarat| Women-Empowerment|


Serving for social welfare is a sacred act. Those who engage in such work do not expect any reward or praise. Social work requires patience and hard work. Many social workers in the country are working for the welfare of the needy people of a democratic nation. Although the list is very long here, some women social workers of Gujarat have published information for information and education. I hope you like this post.


Strong-willed Kanchanben ignites the flame of knowledge in 123 poor children of the remote village.


Kanchanben was born in a dilapidated colony of the Gomtipur expansion of Ahmedabad. His parents were poor. When Kanchanben was studying in class 10th, she developed a small lump near her left thigh. After a lot of investigation, she was diagnosed with bone cancer. The entire family was shocked by this bad news. She had to get admitted to the Cancer Department of the Civil Hospital, where she had to amputate her left leg and had to stay in the hospital for about 40 days. However, Kanchanben continued her studies. At the age of 23, he decided to do social service.Kanchanben was married to Vashram Makwana of Vad Gam village in Taluka (Province).Today, a girl who grew up in a mega city who has never seen a village has dedicated her life to educating the children of the backward villages. Today Kanchanben is teaching 123 children for free


The Women's Industrial Training Institute at Rajkot works to make many women self-reliant.

   For the purpose of women being self-reliant, the training institute for women is running in Rajkot. After completing the training, women become self-employed and financially self-sufficient.
The Campaign Of Women Self Reliance In Rajkot
The Campaign Of Women
Self Reliance In Rajkot
About 20,000 women have so far benefited from this training. About 500 women are earning well. Women from the age of 25 to 70 can join here. An exhibition of women's work is also organized in which home decoration items, Sathiyas(Designs by colored powder on the ground or in the plate), garlands, symbols of Shubh-Labh(Goodness), salad decoration, floral decoration, etc. are displayed.


Social worker Minaben Desai made 25000 women self-reliant.
Scope of work of Minaben Desai: Patdi village of Surendranagar.
Scope of work of Minaben Desai: Patdi village of Surendranagar.

Mrs. Minaben Desai is a resident of Patdi, a small village. The fragrance of her works has spread far and wide. She supported and guided about 25000 widows, abandoned ladies, and poor women in the surrounding villages by teaching them the handicraft arts and making them capable earn their bread. Her husband Desat and her friend Rupal Panchal also support her in this service.Mrs. Meena Desai is a brave woman. Some time ago, When she knew about the scam of marriage to young women and forced them for immoral traffic at Kharaghoda village,

Social Reformer
Minaben Desai.

she rushed there to rescue the young ladies and handed the culprits to the police.An incident that inspired Mr. Minaben Desai:A few years ago, a young woman from Patdi got married and moved to Rajasthan. There he was abused, tortured, and imprisoned. Upon learning of this, Minabe went there and released the girl.This incident disturbed her a lot, and she decided to make the only goal of life to serve such women. His task is still going well.He has received the Governor's Award, Pride of Gujarat Award, Best Entrepreneur Award.


A 21-year-old female social reformer travels to the desert for the welfare of salt workers.


Riddhi Jayeshbhai Bathani is a young lady of the age of 21. She has completed an M. Sc in Microbiology subject. As her grandfather was working in salt fields in Kharaghoda, Riddhi had been aware of the salt worker (Agarya) suffering from diseases due to their adverse working environment since her childhood.The atmosphere of the salt field is very hostile. Workers have to work eight to ten hours under the sun in 45 to 48 degrees of heat in the open sky. Diseases like lung cancer, skin cancer, and in the case of women the breast cancer, irregular menstruation are common in the salt workers.Also, tobacco addiction of increases the risk of illness to the workers.

Micro Biologist,
Riddhi Bathani.

About 25 to 30% of the salt workers are the victims.Riddhi's grandfather's friend was diagnosed with cancer. So he was shifted to the Civil hospital in Ahmedabad. Seeing his condition, Riddhi, who had just completed her study, decided to start the welfare service for the salt workers.She and Mr. Harnesh Pandya, the founder of 'Agaria Hit Rakshak Manch,' started the service of salt workers jointly. They regularly visit workers' dwellings and do the check-up of the family members as a precaution to prevent the occurrence of any disease and to ensure that patients receive prompt and appropriate treatment.Riddhi wants to study further (Ph.D. in cancer), and want to save the workers from the ailments.Her prime objective is not to earn wealth but the welfare to the salt workers of Kharaghoda.


A Goanese Ocean Scientists dedicated her life to the salt workers and became more than Gujarati.

Pankti Jog belongs to a small village Sakroda of Goa state. For many years she has been a social welfare reformer for the people deprived, exploited, and marginalized in Gujarat.After studying at the National Oceanography San Hasana, he has worked on various projects as an assistant scientist and published four international research papers.After coming to Gujarat during the 2001 Kutch earthquake, he was introduced to the voluntary organization Janpath. He then pursued a grassroots-level social service in Gujarat, despite receiving a scholarship from France for higher studies.She has since worked in various fields, including the right to information and coastal issues. Especially in Surendranagar, Kutch, Patan, and Morbi districts, about 8000 families of Agaria in the Government with the support and coordination efforts with the Government today is going to the healthy dessert. Through their efforts, Agariya children in the desert get an education, Anganwadi, and lunch on the bus.The Acharyas had to sell water in the desert for years. Finally, after continuous dialogue with the Government, use of the right to information, and hard work, the Government announced the provision of drinking water in the desert.As an NIO Scientist, Pankati Jog had to be in the ocean constantly for research. So she was missing the sea in the desert. Due to her experience with the sea, Janpath Sanstha assigned her the responsibility of Gujarat's coastal community dialogue, a collaborative effort. She traveled by Gujarat's 1163 km long coastline and interacted with the migrants to estimate their difficulties.Activists of Gir-Nagher Bachao Andolan and about 73 other organizations joined with her. After advocacy with the Government, the people of the coastal region benefited from the Sagarkhedu scheme of Government. It is worth mentioning that Pankati Jog has also worked together in the Association for Democratic Reforms (Inside). This organization is doing various studies for voter awareness.


Video: The hard lifestyle of the salt workers.

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